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the Hispanic Baptist congregations of Texas to clarify their mission, renew their ministries, and thrive in serving their communities and the Kingdom.

The Purpose of ​Iglesias Abundantes

The goal of Iglesias Abundantes is to strengthen and support Hispanic Baptist congregations in Texas through a congregational learning experience that will help them explore the context of their ministry, gain clarity about their unique mission given by God, adapt their ministries, and thrive in serving their communities and the Kingdom.


This program focuses on Hispanic Baptist congregations in Texas that face the unique challenges of ministry in communities with (1) multiple languages (Spanish, English, and bilingual), (2) diverse generations of immigrants, and an increasingly younger population (Millennials and Gen-Zs).


Elements of the Church Revitalization Program


For more information:

Dr. Antonio Josué Miranda

m. 254.730.3702


214 799-1638

PO Box 761264 San Antonio, TX 78245

© 2023 Convencion Bautista Hispana de Texas

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